
Solheim’s CEN® Exam Review Course

Since its release in 2003, Solheim’s CEN® Exam Review Course has been taught hundreds of times to thousands of students all over the world. With countless success stories, the course has played a critical role in the advancement and development of the emergency nursing profession. Through a blend of lectures, graphics, videos, and challenge questions, […]

BCEN Celebrates “RN-credible” Nurses on Certified Nurses Day

Coverage of BCEN’s Certified Nurses Day celebrations highlights the “RN-credible” accomplishments of specialty certified nurses, noting the 60,000 BCEN credentials held by over 50,000 nurses in 28 countries as well as BCEN’s free nurse recognition resources.

Happy Certified Nurses Day

Highlighting board certified nurses’ commitment to excellence, patient care, and their profession,  the article highlights BCEN’s Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN), Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse (CPEN), and Certified Burn Registered Nurse (CBRN) certifications.

BCEN Learn Live Chicago Agenda

Explore the interactive conference agenda for BCEN Learn Live Chicago, May 5-7, 2024, including CE sessions, networking events, and more!